Tuesday, August 18, 2009

KIDUNG as an anger management

KIDUNG untuk yang gemar marahOccasionally you should also read books such as novels rather heavy ballad works Mohammad Sobary the new date of launched on July 1st, yesterday.

According to him, this novel, -so, this book is a novel-based on history. But this cultural if not novel is called the historical novel. His name is also fiction, the author reserves the right to add or reduce the story happened in the real world.

Mr. Sobary, which are often writting in the columns of the mass media prefer the type of historical narrative in the novel. According to him, 'history becomes more meaningful, more talk, when it is not written as history, but when he is built in the form of a novel'. Ballad Novel.

This novel is given the title Kidung (ballad) by the author because many things about life is seen from the aspect of which is called a ballad or music. So, it is expected that feel like listening to the libretto.

Because any posts that is a ballad, a voice that will not come out hard. This also teaches the reader to voice soft. Said former Menteri Manpower and Transmigration Fahmi Idris, 'This book should be read by those who are happy to shout loud,' Maybe this book is for the politicians who often cry and cry to get their position or power.

It seems this is a review of nih. I also. Who do membacabuku with this, you like the rage can be a bit more muted emotions. That, this book is important to increase the knowledge.

Mohammad Sobary
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
262 pages

Readmore - KIDUNG as an anger management

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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Readmore - Vacation Rentals Worldwide

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Harimau yang terbangun

Setelah hiatus panjang selama hampir 3 bulan, akhirnya saya berkesempatan kembali untuk bercengkrama dengan blog Rakyat Merdeka Books ini dengan tampilan yang berbeda tentunya. Hahahha .. jumpa lagiii. Kita berjumpa lagi.

Banyak pelajaran yang saya peroleh selama hiatus. Dari sekian banyak pelajaran tersebut, yang paling kuat menghujam dalam hati saya adalah mengenai penghargaan terhadap hidup. Betapa selama ini saya ternyata tidak mampu menghargai dengan layak atas apa-apa yang telah Tuhan berikan kepada saya.

Hilang bukannya mati dimakan harimau atau pun diculik setan aborsi. Aku cuma hiatus aja sekalian ngurusin TA. Pertama sih niat hiatus cuma sekitar semingggu dua minggu lah. tapi gara2 banyak yg mesti dilakuin [baca : hibernasi, nonton, dan kegiatan ga penting lainnya] aku akhirnya hiatus ampe sekitar 2 bulanan lebih.

Jadi nih ceritanya, aku lagi nyempatin waktu buat nge-blog lagi abis segitu lama nya ga pernah nulis., blogku pasti udah kangen untuk kujamah. haha...

Eniwei, buat ningkatin semangat nge-blog lagi aku mutusin buat ganti layout. Jadi seperti yg lagi kamu liat, layout blog ini berubah menjadi serba temaram. Masih mirip seperti sebelumnya jika permasalahannya ada dikomposisi warnanya. Bagaimana? Kalian suka?

Mungkin buat tulisan kali ni aku ga bakal banyak nulis dulu kali ya, intinya sih cuma mau publish layout baru aja. Insya Allah, oleh-oleh berupa catatan perjalanan akan saya post lebih lanjut. Saya juga ingin menyampaikan terimakasih atas kunjungan dan komen yang ditinggalkan selama saya hiatus

Salam hormat saya, Andrii.

Readmore - Harimau yang terbangun