Friday, October 23, 2009

How a Lazy Can be Rich and Happy

How a Lazy Can be Rich and Happy - Ahmad HidayatBy : Ahmad Hidayat

This book really inspires my heart, which is as old as I was still working hard to make ends meet, while the emphasis in this book for what to work hard if only idly wish we could
enjoy life more prosperous, wealthy and happy.

Yes, this is really new discoveries exemplary by busy people who do not produce anything but fine.

This is really a contradiction with the general opinion and my own opinions even from a religious viewpoint. Or perhaps we are less responsive to the concept of work in our own religion. But it is a truth that is very attractive to people. Almost all mankind want to relax with a big income, it is human. But why just Achmad Hidayat who can respond to this humanitarian concept?

Many of my friends think Achmad Hidayat is a psychologist because he wrote the book leads to the core soul, as in his book Quality of Mental, Ask will be given, Desire, and this book especially. All leads to the core motivation that inspires people to be followed up.

But he was just an ordinary person extraordinary. Relaxed and lazy is not how real property allegedly owned. He was so free to enjoy this life, as without the slightest sense of fear in his eyes.

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Syekh Siti Jenar - Meaning of Death

Syekh Siti Jenar - Meaning of DeathBy : Achmad Chodjim

Islam teaches very controversial. If the other guardian of his time instilling Islamic acculturation,
he built Islam in Java by way of assimilation, which is to be known as Islam or Islamic Javanese beliefs. Islam was born hard-faced but did not radiate coolness. As rahmatan lil'alamin. That Sheikh Siti Jenar, his presence has been reassuring and disturbing!

This book examines the meaning of death as taught by people who more often misunderstood it. Why Death?

According to the author of this book, Death underlying attitudes and actions through Siti Jenar in life. With the acquisition of qualified Java philosophy, combined with extensive knowledge of modern literature, Achmad Chodjim brings us explore the treasures of traditional wisdom about the secrets of nature, life, reason, nature and human existence, which was enriched by various religious arguments, as well as inspiring us to think critically, so that differences can be perceived as a blessing.

In his speech, Chodjim further show how Siti Jenar is a more advanced thinkers of his time. Long before the spread of modern European thought of the 18th century until the 21st of democracy, openness, equality, freedom and brotherhood. Sheikh Siti Jenar has taught all of that in the 16th century.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Go It Alone

Go It AloneThe freedom to actualize the best capability for maximum results Bruce Judson

Go It Alone! is the book for you have ever dreamed of owning your own business,
either in the form of dreams or dreams that you dare not realize.

This book is your Bangi, including;

  • The company's executives and employees who were or were out of work, seeking ways to get financial rewards and greater freedom in controlling life.
  • People who just lost her job due to corporate downsizing and is considering next steps.

  • who would benefit from innovative approaches recommended this book.

  • small companies who dream to start a business but lack of capital.
  • Parents who want to return to the world of work in his own way.
  • senior generation who want to create their own business, using their time, instead of the existing capital-with the flexibility of time.

    Small businesses - big Lucky

    I liked this book! I knew that the truth of the individual business owners, it would be good to focus on maximizing the effectiveness of what they do best and outsource the rest. I particularly noted that the hours spent on a website attempts to determine the problem (I am a writer and a mother's life coach, not web designer!), but to write or think of growing my business.

    Reading this book caused some of the practical and immediate changes in business strategy at home and I am very grateful to the author of their efforts.

    The real story is very inspiring.

  • Readmore - Go It Alone

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Bucks from

    Blog advertisingBlogging is not only a way to express your thoughts or ideas, it is also a great source of extra income. This is good news for a bloggers who likes to play with PTR. There is a new PTR site, LinkFromBlog.Com. Many advantages that we get when we register. One of them is a bonus to each one of us when you managed and submit a blog to LinkFromBlog.Com activation.

    And interestingly you will get a bonus as well when you find a "bug" or trouble and then you report them.

    How's that? D'ya wanna? Register a free account at LinkFromBlog, and they will immediately give you a free gift: two e-books with tips, tricks and secrets:

    1st book is for Bloggers: How to make $1000 a month by working at LinkFromBlog, 2nd book is for Advertisers Tips For Success Blog Advertising.

    Is there a legitimate place in the blog advertising? Of course, there is it! One of the best place for bloggers to write a blog review with. The steps are quite simple. All you have to do is register your blog and activate it. After you receive your blog, you can start looking for offers of interest. If you find an offer, you can negotiate with advertisers and start writing.

    Another advantage is the acceptance of Indonesian-language blogs. So this certainly is very attractive to all of you who does not have an English blog, but that does not mean you could make a review with Indonesian language, the review still had to do in English.

    What are you waiting for?

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    Friday, October 9, 2009

    The Emergence of Gog Ma'jooj in Asia

    The emergence of Gog Ma'jooj in AsiaSyaikh Hamdi bin Hamzah Abu Zaid

    Proving that truth that was revealed by the Qur'an

    Gog and Ma'jooj (Ya'juj and Ma'juj).
    Two people who become historical monuments in the Qur'an. The phenomenon of violence and crime has always been a reference to them in the act. Two people who had allegedly by Muhammad SAW as a sign of the Day of Resurrection, when they were 'stretched' wake from their sleep for so long. Two people who can allegedly also have remaining strength of their glory in the past that would actually exceed the power of any current humanism.

    Rise of Asianism Resurrection or Asian nations that they sound everywhere will be the first step of exploration embodiment of their remaining strength. You may not realize it!

    What's in your mind when you get the phenomenon of technological advances, industry and economy in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea? Why North Korea is often determined to be contrary to the U.S., the regulator of the world? Have you ever been notice why the countries of the North -such as Siberia, Mongolia, Tibet, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and others- began not reluctant opened their identity in the international public, after the Soviet Union, one of the north country there, not even able to compete Uncle Sam's? All the new episodes start? What is clear, the next episode will occur. At least you should be aware that these two nations has indeed been 'awake'.

    This book will take you to find many fascinating historical facts that you probably never thought before, but was contained in the Qur'an for hundreds of years ago. One proof that the Qur'an is not an ordinary book of human engineered.

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    Tuesday, October 6, 2009

    Rocky Sung's - China Astrology's Guidance and Feng Shui

    Rocky Sung's - China Astrology's Guidance and Feng ShuiFor the year of the Goat (2003)

    This is a book that is very popular guide which combines astrology China with Feng Shui. Find your Zodiac and
    learn how to improve your fortunes in romance, life and work.

    Each year, more than 100,000 readers buy the book of China's annual guide from Rocky Sung. His predictions are unique and extraordinary tactics and Feng Shui is available in Indonesia.

    Master Rocky Sung regarded by many Feng Shui experts the most prominent in Asia at this time. He has created his own unique method of predicting by combining the traditional stars of China, the principles of Yin and Yang and the principles of Feng Shui.

    The book is easy to apply it to explain with clarity the various elements and include; China astrological forecast for the year 2003; year of Goat, a monthly forecast for your career, health and your personal relationships. An explanation of Feng Shui is a tactical - and how to maximize and minimize luck bad luck through the application of Feng Shui.

    Rocky Sung was born in China, raised in Hong Kong and completed his studies at the University of Illinois, United States. As a youth, he was educated by an expert of Feng Shui way of reading the flow of energy in the ground. Knowledge and expertise into the story material and now he has millions of followers in the community of China and the list of clients that includes many international companies.

    Readmore - Rocky Sung's - China Astrology's Guidance and Feng Shui

    Book Market in Indonesia

    Book Market in IndonesiaEssays

    Marketing problems in the publishing world is a life or death of a publication. How great a book, because it looks good,
    interesting style or content that educate without being balanced by success in the marketing field will become less significant. Ideals and aspirations of an editor should be combined with consumer acceptance in the marketplace.

    From the experience of practitioners publishing it early on, an editor has to think about the marketing aspects of products that are planned. The move was made together with their counterparts in the marketing department, leading to a productive synergy.

    Many things must be considered in the planning and production of a book production, strategy 4 P (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) is called a lot of key importance in a book great successful publish. But that strategy alone was not sufficient. Public reading must be educated and guided into the reader and consuming a good book.

    Meanwhile, the image of educators as a credible public institutions and bona fide should be built not only make quality products but also enhance self-image. Self-image was related to aspects of public service and related partners such as distributors, wholesalers, bookstores and distributors. Efforts had to be done continuously so that the existence of publishers in memory of everyone as possible.

    How to integrate the various strategies in the concrete business steps. The experience presented in this book can be listened to as a case study that can be processed and studied. The beggar books, student, businessman candidates could gain a lot of books of inspiration and benefit from the descriptions presented.

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    Monday, October 5, 2009

    Living The 7 Habits

    Living The 7 Habits'Storytelling is the perfect way to convey the message, and the stories in applying the 7 habits in daily life is also no exception. Covey again
    emphasized that the principles of the 7 habits can be applied and continue to affect individuals throughout the world. "

    In the ten years since the publication, The 7 Habits of highly Effective has invected the world, with more than twelve million readers in thirty-two languages.

    Applying the 7 Habits in everyday life; the stories of courage and inspiration, contains the core of real-life experience has proven to help them overcome problems and challenges challenges.

    Applying the 7 Habits in everyday life.

    Stephen R. Covey

    Readmore - Living The 7 Habits

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    101 Tips and Tricks for Twitter

    101 Tip dan Trik TwitterDo you think Twitter is a simple Microblogging site? Although you may already use this site for months, many things hidden that you might not know.

    You'll find 101 tips and tricks that will help you to be able to use Twitter more fun.
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