Friday, December 11, 2009

Sketsa Tokoh Suroboyo

Sketsa Tokoh SuroboyoFigure is not always associated with higher rank and a formal degree or the top of the pyramid of power/structural formal government.

Figure sketch Suroboyo Sketsa Tokoh Suroboyo is more a place of someone who is closely linked with the struggles, achievements and personal integrity that is based because sincerity. Because it's natural if there is a character in a sketch book Suroboyo may not know so much seems so subjective. But whatever the facts, after reading it, can inspire the steps that should, if we can do in the community.

Feeling nostalgic reading this book. I like being remainded back, it was so much the character of Surabaya's and provides great inspiration for the nation.

Agus Wahyudi